fredag 22. juli 2011

Perfect day♥

So this Wednesday was my birthday, and I had a really good time. Me and my closest family and friends went on a sushi restaurant and later we went home to me to have coffee and cakes. My mom got me the best gift ever, she gave me a new sewing machine, and I also got a camera backpack to have my camera lenses in and a Mulberry Alexa bag. I don't really want to get older but I still love my birthdays. I'm wearing my Alexa bag with my lovely vintage army jacket, lita shoes, cheapmonday lace dress, and a Elmo pantie my best friend Hanna bought me from Spain. I love the bracelets I'm wearing and my yellow nail polish. Btw, I coloured my hair again, this time I succeeded to make it purple.

It might seem wrong that this post is called perfect day, but I mean my birthday, not today to day. A bomb went of in Oslo today, two people have lost their life, it might be more.... It's a tragedy.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Håret ditt ble perfekt!
    Du er så utrolig vakker. Hvilket modell-byrå jobber du for? :)

  2. OI tusen takk:D Jeg holder på mye for meg selv hvor fotografer og sånn kontakter meg direkte, men er under Trend Models:)
