lørdag 30. juli 2011

Tiril and Kristian

fredag 22. juli 2011

Perfect day♥

So this Wednesday was my birthday, and I had a really good time. Me and my closest family and friends went on a sushi restaurant and later we went home to me to have coffee and cakes. My mom got me the best gift ever, she gave me a new sewing machine, and I also got a camera backpack to have my camera lenses in and a Mulberry Alexa bag. I don't really want to get older but I still love my birthdays. I'm wearing my Alexa bag with my lovely vintage army jacket, lita shoes, cheapmonday lace dress, and a Elmo pantie my best friend Hanna bought me from Spain. I love the bracelets I'm wearing and my yellow nail polish. Btw, I coloured my hair again, this time I succeeded to make it purple.

It might seem wrong that this post is called perfect day, but I mean my birthday, not today to day. A bomb went of in Oslo today, two people have lost their life, it might be more.... It's a tragedy.

onsdag 20. juli 2011


Today is my eighteenth birthday, I'm soon to be 100! I'm going out to eat sushi with my family and some of my friends, looking forward to a cosy time.

tirsdag 12. juli 2011

søndag 10. juli 2011

Home again

I'm home from Roskilde! I promise to upload some pics if their any good, I didn't take my Nikon to Denmark incase it got stolen, so I gave my love to Kodak disposable camera, and my analogue Pentax SLR. But anyways, Roskilde was great, hot, muddy and wet, but still great! I saw lots of awesome bands and did some vintage shopping, can a girl ask for more?
Btw, I don't actually smoke, just so you know, heh..